By Henry Rowold There are fewer occasions more pleasant for the family of God than baptism. For an adult, it marks a capstone of growth…
By Francis C. Rossow Comments on the Text Lulled either by the familiarity of our text or by its complex sentence structure, we may not…
Bruce Schuchard discusses his new commentary on 1-3 JOHN (CPH) with Jeff Kloha.
Thinking along with Hermann Sasse
David Lewis will lead the Winter Lay Bible Institute on the Wednesday evenings of January 2013.
By David L. Adams Introduction In this brief section the Apostle Paul gives Christians guidance for understanding how the life of Jesus, received in baptism,…
By William Wrede Rapid fire, these days come together: Advent 4, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Three days standing in a row, perfectly aligned, can…
Faster, Higher, Stronger on the way!