Spark your thoughts for August 11, 2024! Tune in to Lectionary Kick-start for a lively discussion about the texts for the twelfth Sunday after Pentecost.
If someone labeled me a luddite, I would be hard-pressed to combat their assertion. I am an exegete so I prefer scrolls rather than screens;…
The texts for the eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, August 4, are from Exodus 16:2–15, Psalm 145:10–21, Ephesians 4:1–16, and John 6:22–35. Tune in to spark…
Imagine that as a nine-year-old boy, your grandparents place you into the care of a “coyote.” They pay him a substantial sum of money to…
Spark your thoughts for July 28, 2024! Tune in to Lectionary Kick-start for a lively discussion about the texts for the tenth Sunday after Pentecost.
Grief comes with times of transition, even when the change is a good one. Deaconess Dorothy Glenn and Rev. Micah Glenn share their experience moving…
Spark your thoughts for July 21, 2024! Tune in to Lectionary Kick-start for a lively discussion about the texts for the ninth Sunday after Pentecost.
Spark your thoughts for July 14, 2024! Tune in to Lectionary Kick-start for a lively discussion about the texts for the eighth Sunday after Pentecost.
I heard a disparaging comment regarding Lutherans. “They are too hung up on the sixteenth century.” Further conversation with the commenter made it clear that…