
  • Decoding the Apocalypse_Revelation 5, Part 1

    Dr. Peter discusses Chapter 5, which concerns the Scroll with Seven Seals and the Messiah who is worthy to open it.

  • John 12:12-19 1

    John 12:12-19 is appointed for the Palm Sunday Procession, Series A, B, and C. The crowds did not really understand the true mission of Jesus…

  • John 10:1-10_1a

    John 10:1-10 is appointed for Easter 4, Series A. Jesus moves from the image of the Door to the Shepherd. By laying down His life…

  • John 7:37-39

    John 7:37-39 is appointed for the Day of Pentecost, Series A. In the OT, the Spirit was at work, but not in the same way.…

  • Mark 12:28-37

    Mark 12:28-37 is appointed for Proper 26, Series B. Dr. Voelz translates. Jesus answered the scribe and turned the conversation toward His Messiahship.

  • Isaiah 11:1-10_1a

    Isaiah 11:1-10 is appointed for the 2nd Sunday in Advent, Series A. Jesus replaces Zion as the location of God’s holiness. He brings the eschatological…

  • Isaiah 7:10-14

    Isaiah 7:10-14 is appointed for Christmas Eve. The child was a sign of deliverance, and a type of Chist, who is our deliverance. “God with…

  • Isaiah 11:1-10_1

    Isaiah 11:1-10 is appointed for the 2nd Sunday in Advent, Series A. The Righteous Branch who comes from the stump of Jesse is the New…

  • Ezekiel 34:11-24

    Ezekiel 34:11-24 is appointed for Proper 19, Series C. Yahweh says that He Himself and His servant David will be the one shepherd of His…