James Voelz
Mark 8:27-38
Mark 8:27-38 is appointed for Lent 2, Series B. Jesus is the Suffering Servant, but the Final Judgment should not be taken lightly.
Mark 9:2-9
Mark 9:2-9 is appointed for the Transfiguration, Series B. Jesus provides a preview of the Resurrection, the New Creation, and the full implementation of the…
Mark 1:4-11
Mark 1:4-11 is appointed for the Baptism of Our Lord, Series B. This passage contains high Christology, confessing Jesus as Lord, Christ, Son of Man,…
Woman and Man – Session 3 Part 2
Dr. Biermann discusses women in the Church in general and women’s ordination in particular.
67 – What does Paul say about the office of the pastor in his letters?
Dr. Oschwald explains Paul’s view of the pastoral office.
33 – What does Paul mean when he says Christ is the end of the Law in Romans 10?
Dr. Lewis discusses the ideas around Romans 10:4.
Mark 6:30-44
Mark 6:30-44 is appointed for Proper 11, Series B. Yahweh shepherds His people and serves them a feast. The feeding of the 5000 is a…