Joseph Fitzmyer
Easter 6 • Acts 17:16–31 • May 25, 2014
The true God is not detached and uninterested in humanity, as the philosophers understood the gods to be, but rather God is truly interested and…
005.Acts 2:14a, 22-36
Acts 2:14a, 22-36 Trinity Sunday, Series C, the account includes Pentecost and the recognition that Jesus was Lord who they crucified.
007.Acts 4:1-12
Acts 4:1-12 4th Sunday in Easter, Year B, Peter and John are arrested after healing the lame beggar and use their trial as a chance…
012.Acts 8:26-40
Acts 8:26-40 5th Sunday of Easter. Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch and why it is important to explain the Bible not just hand it to…