Karl Barth
9th Annual Lecture: The Sense of Community Among Hispanic Latinos and the Future of the Church in the USA
The Mission of the Church is the ministry of reconciliation and community.
Current problems in the Lutheran Church Missouri-Synod” December 5, 1974
Dr. Schaeffer explains the rise of liberal theology and applauds the stance of the LCMS to it and encourages the members of the church not…
Christ as the Center of Scripture
Dr. Nafzger presents the three views of the scriptures.
“THESE ARE WRITTEN”: Toward a Cruciform Theology of Scripture By Peter H. Nafzger
Nafzger encourages the church to recognize the limitations of the doctrine of inspiration as the central guide to understanding Scriptures and to move towards an…
From Sea to Shining Sea Session 1 Part 1
Dr. Biermann discusses Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture paradigm, as well as Luther’s teachings on the Two Realms (also known as the Two Kingdoms).
From Sea to Shining Sea Session 1 Part 2
Dr. Biermann discusses the Two Realms and the distinction between Law and Gospel.
Living as Citizens of Heaven – Session 4 Part 1
What are the different choices that a church or members of a church body have to make about what kind of involvement in social and…
“Waking Up to Modernity?”: The In?uence of German Theology Part 2
Doctor Herrmann explores the influence of Modernism on the Lutheran Church in the 20th century.
53 – What is an overview of the book of Acts?
Dr. Oschwald gives a brief timeline of Paul’s life.