Martin Chemitz
Systematics II 09B
Dr. Biermann discusses the monothelites controversy and Apollinarius in regards to the Two Natures of Christ.
Systematics II 10A
Dr. Biermann reviews some heresies and the councils to fix them.
Systematics II 10B
Dr. Biermann discusses the different Presence of Christ.
Systematics II 09A
Dr. Biermann discusses Chemnitz’s view of the Two Natures of Christ.
Systematics II 08B
Dr. Biermann continues Chemnitz’s view on the Nature of Christ and covers heresies that Chemnitz disproves.
Systematics II 08A
Dr. Biermann covers Chemnitz’s view of the Nature of Christ.
400 Years – Session 1 Part 2
A brief history on how the Old Testament came about with and explanation on what the Apocrypha are and how they are viewed.
06 – What is the Book of Concord?
Dr. Arand explains the reason for and purpose of the Book of Concord.