Raymond Brown

  • John 6:51-69

    John 6:51-69 is appointed for Proper 15, Series B. The Holy Spirit works through both the proclaimed Word and the sacramental Word. There is a…

  • John 21:1-14_(15-19)

    John 21:1-14 (15-19) is appointed for Easter 3, Series C. Jesus draws all people to Himself. He uses the Church to accomplish this task. Similarly,…

  • John 20:19-31_1d

    John 20:19-31 is appointed for Easter 2, Series A, B, and C. Jesus was sent by the Father to bring peace, life, and forgiveness. Jesus…

  • John 17:20-26_1a

    John 17:20-26 is appointed for Easter 7, Series C. Who Jesus is and what He came to do are summed up in the idea that…

  • John 17:1-11

    John 17:1-11 is appointed for Easter 7, Series A. In His High Priestly Prayer, Jesus prays first for Himself and His own glorification, then for…

  • John 14:1-12

    John 14:1-12 can be used for Easter 5, Series A. Both the words and works of Jesus bear witness to Him and His mission. We…

  • John 10:22-30_1a

    John 10:22-30 is appointed for Easter 4, Series C. In the OT, the Shepherd is Yahweh Himself. Jesus is both Yahweh and the Son of…

  • John 10:11-18_1a

    John 10:11-18 is appointed for Easter 4, Series B. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. By laying down His soul, He restores our souls. By facing…

  • John 9:1-41

    John 9:1-41 is appointed for Lent 4, Series A. The blind man represents humanity. He is helpless, but Jesus seeks him out. He is rejected,…