Thomas Jefferson
Reformation500 Bible Study – Part 4
Part four of this series treats several issues that the Reformation addressed including individual reading and interpretation of the Bible, the seeds that led eventually…
American Government-Reformation-2 Kingdoms
A look at Martin Luther’s Two Kingdom doctrine and its impact on the history of American government.
From Sea to Shining Sea Session 2 Part 1
Dr. Biermann discusses how there should be cooperation between the two realms, but not confusion; distinction, but not divorce.
From Sea to Shining Sea Session 3 Part 1
Dr. Biermann discusses the Church, American Government, the Enlightenment, and the concept of “rights.”
Woman and Man – Session 4 Part 1
Dr. Biermann discusses women’s ordination, Deborah the Judge, women in society, and the Two Realms (Two Kingdoms).
02 – Is the doctrine of the two realms the same as the American ideal of separation of church and state?
Dr. Biermann further explains that both realms are God’s and that the church should be involved in the left hand realm.
37 – Was America originally founded as a Christian nation?
Dr. Rast discusses the idea that the United States was founded as a Christian nation.