Congregational Courses
02 – How does one define the means of Grace?
Prof. Ziegler defines and explains the means of Grace.
61 – What is the proper Christian attitude towards the poor and the needy?
Dr. Sanchez explains Luther’s view of the poor and reminds us to love and serve or neighbor.
25 – Is there a time in between physical death and the resurrection?
Prof. Ziegler explains what we know about the time between death and resurrection.
33 – Is the Holy Spirit immaterial?
Dr. Sanchez explains that the Holy Spirit is immaterial but has bodily characteristics.
48 – How does the Holy Spirit work in the life of the believer?
Dr. Sanchez explains how the Holy Spirit works in the life of believers.
28 – Will we be judged by works at the eschaton?
Prof. Ziegler explains how good works will be weighed based on our faith at the final judgment.
24 – What does death mean for the Christian?
Prof. Ziegler explains what death means for a Christian and a nonbeliever.