Jesus’ Teaching on "Entering the Kingdom Of Heaven" in the Gospel According to Matthew (Interpretation of Selected Matthean Texts and Parables)
In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus speaks frequently on the topic of “the Kingdom of Heaven” both in His speeches and in His parables. His purpose is…
The Hermeneutics of Liberation Theology: A Lutheran Confessional Response to the Theological Methodology of Leonardo Boff
Therefore, it is the basic thesis of this study that a theological critique of and response to liberation theology can be done properly only on…
A Comparison of the Ecclesiology of Representatives of the Lutheran and Helvetic Reformers
The investigation will focus on the major elements of the ecclesiology of the reformers and how these elements influence their understandings of the church and…
Melanchthon’s Understanding of the Will in the Loci Communes
It is a commonplace among many Lutheran theologians that Philip Melanchthon was a synergist. The purpose of this study is to evaluate this theological judgment…
John’s Use of the Absolute ??? EIMI as a Reflection of the Theology of the Prologue to the Fourth Gospel
The investigation will center on John’s intended meaning of ???? ????? as the phrase relates to the unique Prologue which prefaces the Fourth Gospel. It…
A Study of Recent Research on the Concept of Holy War in the Old Testament
The main purpose of this thesis is to gain a general overview of recent scholarship in the area of Holy War in the Old Testament.…
Demonic Possession, Exorcism, and Pastoral Care
The objective of this research paper is to understand the phenomena of demonic possession in the light of Scriptural teaching and Lutheran theology, in order…
Epistemological Studies in the Thought of Martin Luther Concentrating on Faith, Reason and Certainty
In an inductive analysis of reason and faith in the thought of Luther, one can induce his responses to the issue of the relationship between…