Day of Exegetical Reflection
Does Mark Really End With 16:8?
Dr. Voelz explains why he believes that the Gospel of Mark ends at 16:8.
Lecture 2B
Dr. Carson discusses what the parable of the three bags of gold means in the context of 1st century AD people and to us.
Lecture 2c
Dr. Carson gives a view of Matthew 25:31-46 that Jesus is referring to the church and not the world at large when he states “Truly,…
Lecture 2a
Dr. Carson presents ideas on how parables can be interpreted and what they are designed to explain.
Lecture 1b
Dr. Carson looks at “Lazarus and the Rich Man” parable from discourse preaching perspective.
Biblical Archaeology
Dr. Adams gives an overview of an archeological dig that may be the site of David and Goliath with some history of the site.
Poetry, Parallelism, Parataxis – Recipe for Meditation on the Psalms
Dr. Saleska gives insights on how to interpret the Psalms for yourself and your parishioners.
A brief welcome to the symposium of guest and students.
Lecture 1a
Dr. Carson looks at “The Good Samarian” parable from discourse preaching perspective.