Lay Bible Institute
400 Years – Session 2 Part 1
A brief history on how we decided what would be in the New Testament and a comparison of the Gospel to the “Gnostic gospels”.
400 Years – Session 1 Part 1
The class starts with an introduction of the problems with translation of the Bible and 400th Anniversary of the King James Version.
400 Years – Session 1 Part 2
A brief history on how the Old Testament came about with and explanation on what the Apocrypha are and how they are viewed.
Mankind’s Origin_ Session Three Part 2
The class discusses ideas that Darwin included in his writings that leaves questions about evolution.
Mankind’s Origin_ Session Two Part 1
The class discusses the effects of Darwinism on society and how it changed our view of man.
Mankind’s Origin_ Session Four Part 1
The class looks at theistic evolution and how it has become accepted by the Christian church.
Mankind’s Origin_ Session One Part 2
The class looks at the ideas that are used to support evolution and how that affects our view of how early man evolved.