Lay Bible Institute
Woman and Man – Session 2 Part 2
Dr. Biermann discusses the idea of the Head and the Helper, and the roles and differences of men and women.
17- Session Four Part 4
Dr. Marrs looks at how we should try and reconcile our problems with each other.
15- Session Four Part 2
Dr. Marrs compares conflict to icebergs in that there are personal interest below the surface that need to be cared for to solve the ones…
14- Session Four Part 1
A story about a man who learns what forgiveness means and gives forgiveness to those who have wronged him.
16- Session Four Part 3
We are to gently restore those who we are having problems with and remember God’s Peace is greater than man can understand.
18- Session Four Part 5
Dr. Marrs reminds us that our response should show Christ but only God can change hearts.
12- Session Two Part 5
Dr. Marrs continues with the “Slippery Slope” and “Four G’s” in how we are to respond to conflict in our lives.
09- Session Two Part 2
Dr. Marrs presents the idea of 6 healthy and unhealthy responses to conflict and we should remember that as Christians our responses should be God…