Miscellaneous Seminars/Lectures
Eisegesis and its affect on the handicapped
Eisegesis and its affect on the handicapped
The two faces of Christian social concern
Convocation recorded on December 2, 1987, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Discusses the need to combine Christian social action with sound theory. Includes a view on…
Effects of T.V. viewing
Deals with the educational and social/psychological effects of television on children.
Hannibal Frederich as G. K. Chesterton
Convocation recorded on April 27, 1988, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. An oral interpretation of G. K. Chesterton as he was just after he published “Orthodoxy.”
The Christian and politics
The Christian and politics
Abila of the Decapolis and its place in the Biblical picture
Convocation held January 11, 1984.
Hannibal Frederich as C.S. Lewis
Convocation held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, January 30, 1985. A presentation of selected writings by C.S. Lewis.
Creation and the ecumenical challenge
Faculty forum, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, March 14, 1985. A discussion on the orthodox doctrine of creation.
National Religious Broadcasters convention, 1985
Includes speeches by President Reagan and Vice President Bush, and a debate between Senator Edward Kennedy and Jerry Falwell on the following issues: the role…