Print Publications
Helpful as well as humorous is the author’s occasional practice of deliberately committing an error even as he simultaneously corrects it, thereby putting literacy and…
Young Christians and Sharing the Faith: Room for Improvement
This research has demonstrated that there is much room for improvement in terms of the confidence and capacity for faith-conversations between young adults. Yet, I…
Lent 3 • Exodus 17:1–7 • March 23, 2014
Like the people of Israel, Satan will seek to draw them too into complaining, murmuring, and unbelief. Urge your hearers not to be like the…
Dean J. H. C. Fritz and the (Lifelong) Formation of Pastors
We owe J. H. C. Fritz a great debt, not only for his influence on pastors in the LCMS and elsewhere, but also for his…
Easter 2 • Acts 5:29–42 • April 27, 2014
That is good and proper, but on the second Sunday of Easter that really is not the emphasis. Rather this is a call, on this…
Concordia Seminary magazine Spring 2017
Gospel at the grassroots
Concordia Seminary magazine , Fall 2016
His grace our gratitude