Print Publications
Concordia Seminary Summer 2016
Ready for the Call
Concordia Seminary magazine , Spring 2016
Who Will Go For Us
Concordia Seminary magazine , Winter 2016
Alumni and Friends,
Story-Lines of Scripture and Footsteps in the Sea
The aim of furthering Christian living in mission and community is entirely valid, provided it does not take upon itself ultimate goals. Nor is there…
"The King Is Coming!” An Advent and Christmas Sermon Series
The Kingdom of God is a major theme in God’s holy history, from the house and lineage of David to David’s greater Son and Lord,…
Concordia Seminary magazine , Summer 2015
Sent to Serve
Calling Us Home: A Lenten Sermon Series on 1 Peter
Concordia Seminary President Dale A. Meyer guides us through 1 Peter with this Lenten sermon series that provides textual notes, full sermons, and orders of…
“Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending”: An Advent Sermon Series on 1 Thessalonians
This Advent sermon series is based on readings from Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians, focusing us on the hope we have as we await…