Resources for Ministry
65 – Do the documents discussed serve as a roadmap for eccumenical relations today?
Dr. Arand explains how the Augsburg Confessions, the Apology and Smalcald Articles were written to obtain ecumenical agreement.
27 – Why is the Augsburg Confession divided into two parts?
Dr. Schulz explains why the Augsburg Confessions seem to have two parts.
20 – Why was there a conflict over the filioque?
Dr. Schulz explains the reason the filioque was added to the Nicene Creed.
29 – What was the purpose and significance of the Augsburg Confession to Lutherans in the 16th century?
Dr. Schulz explains the purpose and significance of the Augsburg Confession to Lutherans and others in the 16th century.
46 – What are the differences between righteousness of faith and righteousness of works?
Dr. Arand gives good examples of the difference between active righteousness and passive righteousness and when they apply.
61 – Did Luther and Melanchthon agree in their views on the papacy?
Dr. Schulz contrast Luther’s and Melanchthon’s views on the papacy as the antichrist.
37 – Why do the Sacraments play such a prominent role in the Augsburg Confession?
Dr. Schulz explains the two sacraments in the Lutheran Church and why they are considered sacraments.
49 – How does the Apology maintain the balance between the Two Kinds of Righteousness?
Dr. Arand how the Apology maintain the balance between the Two Kinds of Righteousness.
36 – How does faith shape our understanding of the church?
Dr. Schulz explains what the church is and how it is defined.