Resources for Ministry
33 – How can one effectively teach what the confessions say about the human condition?
Dr. Schulz explains the human condition and how it is affected by original sin.
13 – How can the language of the creeds vary when translated into English?
Dr. Schulz explains how translations of the creeds can cause issues and that care must be taken to not allow misconceptions to appear in the…
25 – What was the relation of Luther to the Augsburg Confession?
Dr. Schulz gives an explanation why Luther not write the Augsburg Confession.
60 – What is role or the first chief article of the Smalcald Articles?
Dr. Arand explains why the Smalcald Articles were laid out and why they were laid out in that manner.
15 – What were the theological issues which helped to form the creeds?
Dr. Schulz explains some of the heresies that the creeds were written to remove from Christianity.
48 – How does the Two Kinds of Righteousness help to diagnose the fundamental flaw in the theology of Melanchthon’s opponents?
Dr. Arand explains the difference between the Catholic and Lutheran view of righteousness.
50 – What guidance does Melanchthon give for persuing a righteousness of works without giving up the righteousness of faith?
Dr. Arand explains how to live in both kinds of righteousness.
56 – Is there a proper way to honor the saints?
Dr. Arand discusses the use of saints to intercede for us and why Lutherans do not.
42 – To what extent is the Augsburg Confession authoritative for Lutheran identity today?
Dr. Schulz explains why the Augsburg Confessions and the Book of Concord are still relevant today as when they were written.