Resources for Ministry
30 – What is the structure of the Augsburg Confession?
Dr. Schulz explains the structure of the Augsburg Confessions.
54 – What principles guided the confessors on which parts of church practice to keep?
Dr. Arand explains how the confessors chose what practices to keep and which ones to change.
10 – Do all denominations accept the creeds?
Dr. Schulz explains what it means to confess the ecumenical creeds.
45 – Is there a theological framework which can help make sense of the Apology?
Dr. Arnad explains the purpose and what can be learned from the Apology to the Augsburg Confessions.
16 – What theological dilemma was addressed with the phrase being of one substance?
Dr. Schulz explains how Arianism was being addressed by the phrase "begotten not made".
31 – How important are the rejections in the Augsburg Confession?
Dr. Schulz explains why the heresies from the Augsburg Confessions are not outdated and still exist.
57 – Why were the Smalcald Articles needed?
Dr. reviews the history that lead up to the writing of the Smalcald Articles and why they were written.
44 – What is the usefulness of the Apology for those living in a country which separates church and state?
Dr. Arand gives the historical background for the Apology for the Augsburg Confession and how the understandings of the Apology could affect our own church…