Resources for Ministry
07 – Why does the LCMS ask its pastors and other church professionals to subscribe to the Book of Concord unconditionally?
Dr. Arand explains why church workers in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod are asked to subscribe to the Book of Concord.
08 – Did the making of creeds and confessions end with the Book of Concord?
Dr. Arand discusses the possibility that new creeds of confessions could be added to the Book of Concord.
06 – What is the Book of Concord?
Dr. Arand explains the reason for and purpose of the Book of Concord.
53 – If Christians are forgiven, then why do they still suffer the common calamaties of life?
Dr. Arand explains why Christians suffer like the unrighteous.
21 – What does the communion of saints mean?
Dr. Schulz explains what is meant by the communion of saints.
01 – Introduction
Dr. Just and Dr. Brauer introduce themselves.
29 – How is the concept of the eighth day related to baptism?
Dr. Just explains why baptismal fonts are 8 sided and the meaning of the eighth day.
74 – What does Luther’s German mass teach us about using music in worship?
Dr. Brauer explains what Luther’s German mass teaches us about using music in worship.
30 – When did the church year become fully developed and why?
Dr. Just explains that the church year evolves around both a theological and natural rhythm of the people.