Resources for Ministry
03 – What do Lutherans mean by the bodily presence of Jesus Christ?
Dr. Just explains the bodily presence of Christ in us and the liturgy.
58 – How are the concepts of "lex orande, lex credende" illustrated in Lutheran worship?
Dr. Brauer explains what you pray is what you believe.
21 – What is the structure of the liturgy of the Word?
Dr. Just explains the order of the early church liturgy and how those who were not ready to receive communion were dismissed before communion began.
71 – How did Luther’s Latin mass illustrate the principles of the Lutheran confessions?
Dr. Brauer explains how Luther’s Latin Mass was based on the Lutheran Confessions.
69 – How should one go about choosing hymns for special occasions?
Dr. Brauer gives ideas how to pick hymns for special occasions.
78 – What other major influences were there for the liturgies of Lutheran Worship?
Dr. Brauer explains some the influences on the creating of the Lutheran Worship hymnal.
05 – What is the biblical foundation of Christian worship?
Dr. Just explains the Jewish idea of holiness.
73 – What did Luther want to accomplish with his German Mass?
Dr. Brauer explains how and why Luther created the German Mass.
46 – What are the treasures of our heritage of Lutheran worship?
Dr. Just explains the treasure we have in heaven is Jesus Christ and the unity all Christians have through Christ.