Resources for Ministry
01 – Lessing Introduction
Dr. Lessing introduces himself.
17 – How are the oracles against the nations practical today?
Dr. Lessing explains why Isaiah and other Old Testament books contain oracles to other nations.
44 – How can verse 5 of chapter 49 bring clarity to the popular evangelical understanding of man and of God?
Dr. Gard encourages pastors to be aware of current Christian literature so they can counter some of the false ideas that arise.
48 – How can the suffering servant image help people in their lenten journey?
Dr. Gard use Isaiah 53 to show the suffering servant of Jesus.
41 – What does God mean when he says "Return to me" in verse 21 of chapter 44?
Dr. Gard explains the same message that Isaiah had the Israel is the same message for us we are redeemed by the blood of Christ.
30 – What is meant by the phrase the Book of Comfort?
Dr. Gard explains why the second half of Isaiah is called the Book of Comfort.
25 – How do chapters 36 through 39 fit into the historical and literary context of Isaiah?
Dr. Lessing the purpose of chapters 36 to 39 of Isaiah.
46 – How do we know that the suffering servant of Isaiah 52 and 53 is the Messiah?
Dr. Gard explains that Isaiah 53 is about Jesus not the people of Israel.
04 – What is the outline of the first 39 chapters of Isaiah?
Dr. Lessing gives an outline of the Book of Isaiah.