Resources for Ministry
07 – What is the historical background of Israel in Isaiah’s time?
Dr. Lessing gives brief overview of the leaders and kings of the Israelites from Moses to Uzziah.
10 – What is the role of Isaiah 2?
Dr. Lessing explains the importance of Isaiah chapter 2.
52 – Is it appropriate to use verses 10 and 11 of Isaiah 55 in a discussion of the church’s mission?
Dr. Gard uses Isaiah 55:10-11 to remind us of the mission of the church.
34 – What does referring to Israel as God’s servant say about the nation’s relationship to their God?
Dr. Gard explains God’s relationship to Israel.
43 – What can be learned from Isaiah 49?
Dr. Gard explains that Isaiah 49 is referring to Jesus and the salvation for all mankind that he would bring.
32 – Why did the Babylonian exile occur?
Dr. Gard explains why Judah was exiled to Babylon and the events that lead up to the exile.
50 – What is the significance of verses 1 to 3 of Isaiah 55?
Dr. Gard explains the significance of Isaiah 55:1-3.
03 – How is Christ related to Isaiah?
Dr. Lessing explains the connections between Isaiah and Jesus.
54 – How can the marriage of Israel be understood in light of the church?
Dr. Gard uses Isaiah 62:1-5 to explain that Christ is the bridegroom of the church.