Resources for Ministry
28 – What is an example of an Easter sermon based on Isaiah?
Dr. Lessing gives some sermon ideas on how to use Isaiah as the heart of the sermon with verses from the New Testament.
08 – Who was Isaiah?
Dr. Lessing explains who Isaiah is and that the book has unity throughout.
39 – How does Isaiah’s hope for the future speak also to the modern people of God?
Dr. Gard explains that we can learn from the past of Israel to find what God has promised.
27 – What is an example of a Lenten sermon based on Isaiah?
Dr. Lessing gives an example of using Isaiah as part of the sermon before jumping to the New Testament.
47 – What is the significance of verses 3 to 7 of Isaiah 53?
Dr. Gard shows that Isaiah 53 is about Christ and the atonement for the sins of all mankind.
53 – What is an outline of Isaiah 58 through 66?
Dr. Gard outlines chapters 58-66 of Isaiah.
49 – How does Isaiah 53 relate to the movie the Passion of the Christ?
Dr. Gard critiques the movie "The Passion of Christ".
15 – What is the role of chapter 11 thematically?
Dr. Lessing explains the thematic role of Isaiah 11.
14 – What is the next critical idea in Isaiah?
Dr. Lessing explains just because God used the Assyrians to punish the Israelites they were not beyond being judged.