Resources for Ministry
08 – Why does John call Jesus’ miracles signs?
Dr. Grieschen explains why John calls Jesus’ miracles signs because they point to who Jesus is as foretold in the Old Testament.
09 – What is the significance of Jesus’ turning water to wine?
Dr. Grieschen explains the significance of the miracle of changing water into wine at the wedding at Canna.
10 – Why does John place the cleansing of the temple where he does in his Gospel?
Dr. Grieschen explains why John may have places the cleansing of the Temple early in Jesus ministry while the other Gospels place it later.
11 – When should a vicar or a pastor wear a clerical collar?
Dr. Grieschen explains when it is best to wear the clerical collar and when you might choose not to.
12 – How does Jesus connect being born again to Baptism in John?
Dr. Grieschen explains what Jesus meant by being born again.
13 – Why does Jesus use the language of being lifted up to speak of his death?
Dr. Grieschen explains that Jesus used language that the Jewish people would have understood to get his message across to them.
14 – How can John be used to communicate that Jesus came to save all people?
Dr. Grieschen shows where John points to the whole world is to be saved by Christ.
15 – What does Jesus mean when he tells the Samaritan woman that worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth?
Dr. Grieschen uses the Samaritan woman at the well to explain that there is only one way to the living water.