Resources for Ministry
26 – What does John 9 say about spiritual sight?
Dr. Grieschen explains that the blind man who was healed received both physical as well as spiritual sight.
27 – What passages in John speak of Jesus as the only way of salvation?
Dr. Grieschen points to passages in John that show Christ is the only way to salvation.
28 – Why does Jesus call himself the good shepherd?
Dr. Grieschen connects the Good Shepard image to the Old Testament imagery of God.
29 – How can one understand the significance of Jesus’ death in terms of shepherd and sheep?
Dr. Grieschen Jesus’ death as the Good Shepard being sacrificed for the sheep.
30 – How does the account of Lazarus aid in seeing Jesus as the resurrection and the life?
Dr. Grieschen explains the importance of the raising of Lazarus from the dead.
31 – Why does Jesus spend so much time teaching about his death before it occurs?
Dr. Grieschen explains why Jesus teaches about his death long before it happens.
32 – Which Mary was it who annointed Jesus and why did she do this?
Dr. Lewis explains the account of Mary anointing Jesus and what we can learn from it.
33 – How is it that Jesus talks of his crucifixion and death as his glory?
Dr. Lewis explains that the Glory of Christ was to die on the cross to save all who believe.
34 – What is the purpose of the voice from heaven in chapter 12?
Dr. Lewis explains the use of the motif of misunderstanding in which Jesus says things which leads people to believe.