Resources for Ministry
35 – How does one deal with accusations of anti-semitism in John?
Dr. Lewis explains that John is not being anti-Semitic but is addressing anyone who turns from the truth and does not love their neighbor.
36 – How does John’s attitude toward belief and unbelief have to say for ministry in pluralistic America today?
Dr. Lewis defines pluralism and how it makes the proclaiming of Christ as the only way of salvation more difficult.
37 – Why is there no mention of the institution of the Lord’s Supper at Jesus’ Passover meal in John?
Dr. Lewis gives reasons for why John does not record the institution of the Lord’s Supper.
38 – What is the significance of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet?
Dr. Lewis explains the significance of the washing of the disciple’s feet by Jesus.
39 – What significance does the exchange between Peter and Jesus regarding foot washing have?
Dr. Lewis explains the exchange between Jesus and Peter about washing his feet.
40 – Who is the disciple whom Jesus loved in John?
Dr. Lewis explains why it is believed that the writer of John was John the Son of Zebedee.
41 – How does Jesus’ command to his disciples in John 13 differ from the command to love your neighbor as yourself in the Old T
Dr. Lewis explains Christ statement to "Love one another".
42 – What are some of the key themes in John 14 to 16?
Dr. Lewis gives an overview of John chapters 14-16.
43 – What does this section of John teach about the Trinity?
Dr. Lewis uses John to explain the Trinity.