Resources for Ministry
44 – What is the work of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John?
Dr. Lewis explains the role of the Holy Spirit in the church.
45 – How could one use verses 1 through 4 of John 14 in a funeral setting?
Dr. Lewis explains that John 14:1-4 could be used for a funeral but also for someone who is dying.
46 – What does Jesus mean when he says that the person who believes in him will do greater works than he did?
Dr. Lewis explains what Jesus meant that we would do greater works then him not by miracles signs but by forgiving sins and proclaiming the…
47 – Where does obedience to Jesus’ commands fit into the Christian life?
Dr. Lewis explains Jesus commands are how we are to live a life of discipleship.
48 – What is the significance of Jesus’s statement about the vine and the branches?
Dr. Lewis explains that John 15:5 is a picture of the church and points out the problem of church pluralism and radical individualism.
49 – How can one constructively communicate Jesus’ saying that the world will hate his disciples?
Dr. Lewis explains why the world will hate those who are disciples of Christ.
50 – What is the significance of Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer?
Dr. Lewis explains Jesus’ high priestly prayer.
51 – What does verse 11 of John 17 mean in the context of John’s Gospel?
Dr. Lewis discusses the ecumenical movement.
52 – How does John’s account of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion compare to the other Gospels?
Dr. Lewis explains the similarities and the differences between John Gospel of Jesus last week and the other gospels.