Resources for Ministry
21 – How can one respond to the accusation that it is not fair that Adam’s sin should affect all people?
Dr. Lewis explains original sin and how Paul uses it to focus on God’s Grace.
37 – Why does Paul mention that love is the fulfillment of the Law?
Dr. Lewis explains that we should live a Christian life of love towards our neighbor.
29 – What does Paul mean when he says that all things work together for the good of those who love him?
Dr. Lewis puts Romans 8:28 into context and explains that the world is broken but God has not abandoned you.
27 – How is Paul using the word law in verse 21 of chapter 7?
Dr. Lewis explains that the word "law" in Romans 7:21 means how things just work in this world.
36 – What is Paul saying about the Christian’s attitude towards government in Romans 13?
Dr. Lewis explains that Christians are to obey the governing authorities unless they are asking them to do something against God’s commands.
19 – How does Paul make the case that we are declared righteous on account of faith in Romans 4?
Dr. Lewis shows how Paul proved that it is not the law or circumcision that save but faith.
33 – What does Paul mean when he says Christ is the end of the Law in Romans 10?
Dr. Lewis discusses the ideas around Romans 10:4.
28 – What does Paul mean when he speaks of creation itself waiting in expectation?
Dr. Lewis explains not only will man be redeemed but all of creation on the last day.
31 – What sort of overview can you give for Romans 9 through 11?
Dr. Lewis gives an overview of Romans 9 to 11.