Resources for Ministry
40 – Why do Christians not celebrate the Passover today?
Dr. Adams explains that Christians are fulfilling the Passover when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
37 – What is meant by the assertion that a text is a "composite text"?
Dr. Adams explains what composite text is based on the historical criticism method.
33 – Is the repetition of "I am the LORD" significant in chapter 6?
Dr. Adams explains the use of bracketing in Hebrew as literary emphasis.
13 – How important were the Hebrews in the ancient world?
Dr. Adams names the different peoples of the Near East at the time of the Exodus.
56 – Why is the emphasis on Moses rather than Israel in aftermath of the golden calf episode?
Dr. Adams discusses the changing role of Moses from leader to intercessor for Israel.
46 – Are the Ten Commandments the literary climax of Exodus?
Dr. Adams looks at the literary structure of the second part of Exodus.
19 – What is historical criticism and where did it come from?
Dr. Adams gives the background to how different views of the Bible evolve.
26 – What is so important about Exodus 3?
Dr. Adams explains why the class will start with Exodus Chapter 3.
60 – How can a good God hold descendents responsible for the sins of their fathers?
Dr. Adams the grace and Truth of God revealed in Exodus 34.