Resources for Ministry
11 – Who is Luke, and what was his relationship with Paul?
Dr. Just explains Luke’s relationship to Paul.
12 – What is the background of Paul’s various letters?
Dr. Just discuss the Pauline Letters.
13 – What do we know about Paul after the end of Acts?
Dr. Just explains what happens to Paul after the end of the book of Acts.
14 – In what ways is the introduction to the letter to the Galatians different from Paul’s other letters?
Dr. Just looks at the opening of the Paul’s Letter to the Galatians and how it is different from his other letters.
15 – What prompted Paul’s letter to the Galatians?
Dr. Just explains what was happening in Galatia that Paul wrote this letter.
16 – Does Paul state that he is not ashamed of the Gospel in Galatians as he does in Romans?
Dr. Just explains Paul is stating that salvation is through Christ alone not works.
17 – How does God’s revelation to Paul relate to his understanding of his apostleship?
Dr. Just explains what Paul was doing in Arabia.
18 – What happened in Paul’s first visit to Jerusalem after his conversion?
Dr. Just explains some of the events after Paul’s conversion and his visit to Jerusalem.
19 – What were the reasons for Paul’s second trip to Jerusalem?
Dr. Just explains the private meeting between Paul and other leaders of the Church in Jerusalem.