Resources for Ministry
20 – Why does Luther not seem to mention justification by faith in the catechism?
Dr. Kolb explains why the word justification is not used in the catechism but that is there between the lines.
06 – How does the contemporary publication of Luther’s Catechism differ from Luther’s original document?
Dr. Kolb explains how the catechism has changed over the years to so the job that Luther had envisioned for it.
18 – Why is the word LORD capitalized when written in the catechism?
Dr. Kolb explains what the word “Lord” means and why it is written in all capitals in Luther Catechism.
19 – Is redemption a good word for what Christ does for mankind?
Dr. Kolb tries to give further explanation and other ways of explaining Christ redemption of our sins that might make Christ death and resurrection easier…
48 – What does the Formula say regarding the distinction of Law and Gospel?
Dr. Rast explains law and Gospel and how they should be used and understood.
23 – What does Luther mean when he says that it is the Holy Spirit, not us, who does sanctification?
Dr. Kolb explains Luther’s view of the Holy Spirit and the role of sanctification.
26 – Why does Luther talk so much about the Church in the Third Article?
Dr. Kolb explains the importance of church especially for American individualism and how it leads to the resurrection of the whole church.
42 – What happened to the Lutheran church between the death of Luther and the writing of the Formula of Concord?
Dr. Rast explains the history from the death of Luther to the death of Melanchthon.
43 – What is the background of the Formula and its authors?
Dr. Rast gives a historical explanation of the struggles Lutheranism faced after the death of Melanchthon and Flacius.