Resources for Ministry
12 – How do the Ten Commandments show us our need for God?
Dr. Kolb explains how the Ten Commandments are to be used and why Luther included "What does this mean?"
54 – What does the Formula say about the doctrine of predestination?
Dr. Rast explains the history behind and the theology of predestination and double predestination.
08 – Why does Luther begin the catechism with the Ten Commandments?
Dr. Kolb explains why the catechism starts with the Ten Commandments.
14 – What is most important to remember about God’s deeds in conjunction with the Creed?
Dr. Kolb explains why the Apostle’s Creed is in the catechism and why it is important for the Christian life.
41 – How would one summarize the Catechism?
Dr. Kolb gives a summary of why the catechism was written and the faith it confesses.
30 – Why are there different opinions on how many Sacraments there are?
Dr. Kolb explains why some church bodies have 7 sacraments some have 3 and others have none.
22 – Who gets to go to heaven?
Dr. Kolb explains that only through faith in Jesus Christ will you be saved not through works or being good but through faith alone.
38 – How is the Table of Christian Duties useful?
Dr. Kolb explains what Christian duties are and why we do them.
09 – Is it not obvious that there is a personal God who is the Creator?
Dr. Kolb explains that more and more people have created their own personal gods and do not realize that there is only one creator God.