Resources for Ministry
16 – Why does Luther describe human beings as without any merit?
Dr. Kolb explains why Luther uses the phrase "without merit" in regards to man’s relationship to God.
28 – Why did Luther include the Lord’s Prayer in the Catechism?
Dr. Kolb explains why Luther included the Lord’s Prayer in the catechism.
44 – What does the Bible and others teach about original sin?
Dr. Rast explains what original sin is and is not according to the Lutheran Confessions.
50 – What do other churches teach regarding the Lord’s Supper?
Dr. Rast explains the divisions that occurred over the Lord’s Supper and the Luther’s view of Real Presence.
33 – Why did Luther include a section on Confession and Absolution?
Dr. Kolb explains why confession and absolution are important for the Christian life.
45 – What is the relationship between the human will and original sin?
Dr. Rast explains the importance of understanding original sin and how it is understood from the Lutheran perspective.
21 – What is the end result of Christ’s action for us and what does it mean to belong to Christ?
Dr. Kolb explains what it means to belong to God and the response we should have to his love and grace.
04 – Do other Christian groups have catechisms?
Dr. Kolb explains why other denominations started writing their own catechisms and gives a brief history on the writing of catechisms.
39 – How do I find the neighbor in genuine need?
Dr. Kolb explains the idea of Christian calling and the duties that go with it.