Resources for Ministry
03 – In the middle ages, what did catechism class look like?
Dr. Kolb explains how catechisms were used in the Middle Ages and what Luther wanted to change.
13 – What do the Ten Commandments teach us about ourselves and the way we live?
Dr. Kolb explains what the Ten Commandments are useful for accomplishing in our lives.
02 – Did Luther invent the idea of a catechism?
Dr. Kolb explains that Luther did not create the idea of a catechism but did modify how it was used.
40 – Is everything you talk about in the Chart?
Dr. Kolb explains Luther’s household chart found in the catechism.
10 – How useful is Luther’s definition of God today?
Dr. Kolb explains that when people have created their own personal gods and that seems to be working for them then you have to wait…
35 – Why did Luther consider the Lord’s Supper so important?
Dr. Kolb explains why Luther used the Lord’s Supper to reach the people of his time in a way they could understand.
01 – Why do we need a catechism?
Dr. Kolb answers the question "Why do we need a catechism?"
32 – What is the reason for Luther’s emphasis on Baptism?
Dr. Kolb explains Luther’s view of the importance of baptism for the child as well as for an adult.
11 – Why is it important to learn the Ten Commandments of the law?
Dr. Kolb explains the two kinds of righteousness.