Resources for Ministry
How do I know when to refer?
<p>Pastor Cook and Dr. Marrs discuss when a pastor should refer a parishioner to a mental health professional.</p>
020- Matthew 6:1-4
Dr. Oschwald leads a study of Matthew 6:1-4 from the Greek on Tuesday, January 15, 2008.
How do I maintain my language skills?
<p>Pastor Cook and Dr. Saleska discuss the importance and how to keep your Greek and Hebrew language skills going after you leave the seminary.</p>
002- 1 Samuel 20_28-42
Dr. Saleska leads a study of 1 Samuel 20:28-42 from the Hebrew.
025- 1 Samuel 30_1-15
Dr. Saleska leads a study of 1 Samuel 30:1-15 from the Hebrew.
003- 1 Samuel 21_1-10
Dr. Saleska leads a study of 1 Samuel 21:1-10 from the Hebrew.
20- Living the Catechetized Life
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss how to use the catechism to live by faith in the world.
19- Command within Calling, Vocation through Virtue
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss Luther’s calling into a vocation of life.
18- The Chart of Christian Callings
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb discuss the Chart of Christian Callings from the catechism.