Resources for Ministry
09- The Trinity and the Faith of the Creed
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explain how Luther explained the Trinity and why he put it after the Creed in the catechism.
018- Matthew 5:38-42
Dr. Gibbs leads a study of Matthew 5:38-42 from the Greek on Tuesday, December 18, 2007.
08- The Third Article
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explain how the Third Article of the Creed is about sanctification.
07- The Second Article
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explain how the Second Article of the Creed is how Luther saw Christ as our personal Lord.
06- The Creed and its First Article
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explain how the First Article of the Creed and the First Commandment are connected to each other and to us.
05- Commandments 5-10
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explain how the 5-10 commandments are related to the first commandment and how they help order our lives in society.
04- Commandments 2-4
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explain how the 2-4 commandments are related to the first commandment and how they help order our lives.
03- The First Commandment
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explains the importance of the First Commandment to all things in our lives.
02- The Ten Commandments: Structure
Dr. Arand and Dr. Kolb explains the why Luther started with the Ten Commandments in the Small Catechism.