Resources for Ministry
26 – Does a disregard for the third use of the law play into these issues?
Dr. Biermann explains that Gospel reductionism is a real concern that we need to be aware of and try to avoid.
36 – How can one apply these principles in concrete situations?
Dr. Biermann comments on a concrete example of confusing left hand and right hand realms in the church.
51 – Do sinners and hypocrites exist in the church as well?
Dr. Schulz explains that sinners and hypocrites exist in the church as well.
58 – What are the roles of commissioned ministers?
Dr. Schulz explains the roles of Commissioned Ministers.
60 – What role do local congregations have in the call process?
Dr. Schulz explains the importance of the congregation in calling the pastor.
31 – Do Lutheran congregations make much use of the practice of excommunication?
Dr. Biermann explains when a member should be excommunicated.
57 – What place do non-ordained and alternate route people have in relation to the call?
Dr. Schulz explains the reasons for and intent of the alternate route ministers in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
53 – What does the word sect mean?
Dr. Schulz defines what sects and cults are and how they are different from main line churches.
34 – How does one respond to negative reactions to church discipline?
Dr. Biermann explains that doing church discipline is never easy but it is the right thing to do and needs to be accomplished.