Resources for Ministry
07 – Why do we talk of inerrancy?
Prof. Ziegler defines inerrancy of the Bible and gives examples of what happens once the Bible loses it position as the inerrant Word of God.
17 – Why do Lutherans stress the real presence?
Prof. Ziegler explains real presence in the Lord’s Supper and compares that to the other reformed views of the Lord’s Supper.
32 – What is the relation to the Godhood of the Holy Spirit and his work of sanctification?
Dr. Sanchez explains the Holy Spirit and his work of sanctification.
21 – Do we need a pastor to absolve us?
Prof. Ziegler explains the use of private and public absolution and confession in the Lutheranism.
55 – How does the two kinds of righteousness aid in understanding our standing before God and before our neighbor?
Dr. Sanchez explains the two kinds of righteousness.
35 – What does the Nicene Creed teach us about the Holy Spirit?
Dr. Sanchez explains what the Nicene Creed teaches us about the Holy Spirit.
50 – What is sanctification in its broad and narrow sense?
Dr. Sanchez defines sanctification in both the broad and narrow sense and compares the Catholic view to the Lutheran view.
15 – What is a baptism of the Spirit?
Prof. Ziegler explains the Lutheran view of Baptism of the Spirit in comparison to the Pentecostals.