Resources for Ministry
02 – Is the doctrine of the two realms the same as the American ideal of separation of church and state?
Dr. Biermann further explains that both realms are God’s and that the church should be involved in the left hand realm.
05 – Is the two realms doctrine the same as the law and gospel distinction or the two kinds of righteousness?
Dr. Biermann explains that Law and Gospel takes place in both realms and is connected to how we connect to God and the world.
11 – How should an LCMS pastor participate in community events when pastors in other denominations are involved?
Dr. Biermann encourages you to be careful and thoughtful when asked to do a revolving civil event and make sure you have the support of…
24 – Is it appropriate to teach about marriage in church?
Dr. Biermann encourages pastors to preach on things like marriage so people know what God’s will is on these subjects.
17 – If natural law is the basis for the left-hand realm, then are some systems of ethics better than others?
Dr. Biermann explains that some ethics are better than others but it needs to be based on God’s natural law and not what is best…
19 – How does marriage fit into the two realms?
Dr. Biermann explains that marriage is part of the left hand realm.
03 – Are the two realms the same thing as the two kingdoms?
Dr. Biermann warns that we not confuse the two realms and the two kingdoms and reminds us that we should be active in both just…
22 – How does one address current attitudes toward divorce among the church?
Dr. Biermann discusses God’s view on divorce and the churches acceptance of divorce.
12 – Is the law of the left-hand kingdom the same as natural law?
Dr. Biermann defines natural law as the will of God for creation so it has always been there even when man chooses to ignore it.