Resources for Ministry
63 – Are the subjects of church and ministry important to the LCMS?
Dr. Rast briefly explores the importance of church and ministry in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
49 – Where is Perry County and why is it important for Lutherans?
Dr. Rast explains how the Saxons came to Perry County Missouri.
56 – Does the Synodical Conference still exist today?
Dr. Rast explains what eventually happens to the Synodical Conference.
60 – When did the LCMS become English-speaking?
Dr. Schumacher explains how the Missouri Synod shifted from German speaking to English speaking in the first half of the 20th century.
47 – What is an example of how Lutheran ministry was conducted on the frontier?
Dr. Rast gives examples of frontier Lutheranism by recounting the efforts of Friedrich Wyneken.
61 – How did the Missouri Synod grow after its founding?
Dr. Schumacher explains the two periods of growth in the Missouri Synod.
64 – What happened to the LCMS during the 1970s?
Dr. Rast gives an overview of the Controversy of the early 1970’s in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
62 – What developments occurred in the LCMS during the first half of the 20th century?
Dr. Schumacher explains the things that changed the Missouri Synod into a centralized church body.
65 – What does the Lutheran landscape look like today?
Dr. Rast and Dr. Schumacher discuss the future of Lutheranism in today’s world.