Resources for Ministry
09 – What problems in christology have persisted?
Dr. Scaer reviews the misunderstandings of Christ divinity since he preached in Galilee.
22 – What do the I am statements of Jesus mean?
Dr. Scaer explains that the "I am" statements by Jesus draws a direct line back to God in the Old Testament when God tells Moses…
31 – Why is Jesus called Lord?
Dr. Sacer explains why the title Lord is used in reference to Christ Jesus.
08 – What does Old Testament Christology have to do with typology and messianic prophecies?
Dr. Scaer explains that we should be ready to find Christ in all places in the Old Testament.
34 – Where does the descent into Hell fit into the life of Christ?
Dr. Sacer explains Christ descent into Hell after his death on the cross.
07 – Is the Old Testament different from the New Testament in how it handles christology?
Dr. Scaer explains that without the Old Testament we cannot see the fulfillment in the New Testament of the promises and hopes of the Old…
24 – What do various terms describing Christ mean?
Dr. Sacer explains the three genus of Christ and how they came into being used.
17 – What is the Lutheran doctrine surrounding the virgin birth and its implications for christology?
Dr. Scaer explains the difference between the virgin birth and Immaculate Conception.
32 – Does Son of Man have any particular significance?
Dr. Sacer explains what is meant by the phrase "son of man".