Seminary Courses
What do Seventh Day Adventists teach?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What do Seventh Day Adventists teach?”
How does Methodism compare with Charismatic Penecostalism?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “How does Methodism compare with Charismatic Penecostalism?”
What are the confessions of the Baptists?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What are the confessions of the Baptists?”
What is the history of Methodism?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What is the history of Methodism?”
What is the hermeneutic of ecumenical groups?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What is the hermeneutic of ecumenical groups?”
Do the Methodists have a confessional statement?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “Do the Methodists have a confessional statement?”
What is the Methodist teaching on Sanctification or earthly perfection?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What is the Methodist teaching on Sanctification or earthly perfection?”
What is Christian Science?
Dr. Rast responds to the questions “What is Christian Science?”