SemPress Bible Studies
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: Ask the Professors
Questions that this Bible Study on Isaiah brought up were discussed and answered.
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: The Servant Suffers for Straying Sheep
Christ, the servant, suffers for all as seen in both the Old and New Testaments.
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: Isaiah’s four Servant Songs
The session gives an overview of Isaiah’s four Servant Songs and how they relate to the history of the Middle East.
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: We Confess Our Sins
In Isaiah 53:1-11 we are part of this confession of our sins to God and ask for his forgiveness.
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: The Servant Justifies Many
Isaiah shows God justifying his creation through Christ and the writers of the New Testament reflect much of Isaiah’s words.
Isaiah’s Ancient Songs for Today: Paul and Isaiah’s Servants
Using 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Paul reveals his understanding of Isaiah’s Servant Songs as they apply to the Early Christian Church and to us.
The Psalms and Life in God’s Creation: Psalm 148: The Chorus of Creation
Psalm 148 helps us understand how like the rest of creation we should Praise God.
The Psalms and Life in God’s Creation: Psalm 19: A Chattering Creation
God’s creation is another way for humans to hear the Word through listening to his creation.
The Psalms and Life in God’s Creation: Ask the Professors
Professor Saleska answers related questions.