SemPress Books
Inviting Community
What challenges keep congregations from inviting community, and being inviting communities, in North America today? How can churches effectively proclaim and embody the gospel in…
Teaching God’s Children His Teaching
Designed for educators, pastors, parents, and all who are involved in Christian faith formation, this book is an indispensable resource for understanding and teaching the…
First Things First: A Primer in Lutheran Theological Prolegomena
Lumpp sharpens this focus by bringing to light the distinctive assumptions and emphases of Christian theology, particularly from a Lutheran perspective.
Counseling and Confession: The Role of Confession and Absolution in Pastoral Counseling
Walter Koehler weaves a multilayered account of the relationships between psychology, pastoral counseling, and the theology of individual confession and absolution, igniting a conversation that…
Under the Cross of Christ—Yesterday, Today, Forever: Reflections on Lutheran Hispanic Ministry in the United States
Collecting together the essays from the historic first Hispanic National Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (2003), this book encompasses a number of crucial voices…
The Lutheran Parochial School: Dates, Documents, Events, People
The book tracks the history of the Lutheran Parochial School by identifying significant years as touchstones in the growth and change of church-related education.
The Congregation’s Right to Choose Its Pastor
Walther’s essay outlining the voting rights of the congregation in light of Luther’s doctrine of the universal priesthood is, in some regards, a sequel to…
Make Disciples, Baptizing: God’s Gift of New Life and Christian Witness
This little volume—a “classic” from the pen of renowned scholar Robert Kolb—sketches the connections between God’s work in baptism and God’s witness to the world.