Symposia & Seminars
Response – The Corporate World: Germany’s Promising Mission Field?
Pastor Woods responds to the reading of Pastor Stollwerk’s paper and how things are different in the United States.
Creation Vs Evolution Part 4
Dr. Menton explains the holes in the theory of evolution.
Creation Vs Evolution Part 3
Dr. Menton looks at statements by scientist that question evolution.
Antichrist: Has The Biblical Evidence Been Left Behind? – High Quality
Dr. Gieschen presents the view that we need to be aware that the antichrist is a real thing that is to come.
Greetings from Consul-general Wolfgang Drautz
Mr. Drautz compares church and state in the United States to how is handled in Germany.
Interview with John Oswalt
Dr. Raabe interviews visiting professor Dr. John Oswalt from Asbury Theological Seminary, Kentucky.
Interview with Craig Evans
Dr. Kloha interviews visiting professor Dr. Craig Evans from Arcadia University.
Spiritual Toughness in the Battle for Eternity
David Cook – a leading authority in the science of peak performance and former “Mental Training Coach” for the San Antonio Spurs – gives a…
Interview with Mark Seifrid
Dr. Oschwald interviews visiting professor Dr. Mark Seifrid from Southern Baptist Seminary Louisville, Kentucky.