Symposia & Seminars
Ritual Expression and Theological Truth
Dr. Klotz looks at the importance of ritual in both other cultures and within the Lutheran church and points out the human need that they…
Personal Perspectives from Ethnic Communities
Dr. Kiros understanding cultures like those of Ethiopia will help the church grow.
Properly Dividing: Distinguishing the Variables of Culture from the Constants of Theology
Dr. Shultz briefly explores cultural influence and the need to keep theological truths in the teachings of the Lutheran church.
Christian Responses to the Culture’s Normalization of Homosexuality Panel Discussion
Dr. Weise host a panel that discusses the changes that may occur and what our Christian response should be.
Use of Scripture Concerning Homosexuality
Dr. Gagnon presents the biblical prohibitions in both the Old and New Testament of homosexuality.
Setting the Stage
Dr. Adams sets the backdrop of the symposium with a brief historical and theological discussion on homosexuality.
The Use of Scripture Concerning Homosexuality Panel Discussion
The panel discusses statements brought up by Dr. Gagnon in his presentation and opens it up to the audience for questions.
Plenary Summary
Dr. Biermann summarizes the ideas covered in the symposium reminding us that all things will be made whole on the final day of resurrection.
Dr. Johnson welcomes and gives a overview on the symposium topic.