Theological Symposia
Faithful Witness in Work and Rest
Dr. Schumacher presents the connection between work and rest as it was meant by God in contrast what it has become to mean in our…
Faithful Witness in Marginality and Hospitality
Dr. Sanchez presents witnessing to the marginalized with hospitality.
Continuing Education
Dr. Cook explains some of the opportunities that are available for further learning and growth.
Witness in Suffering and Joy
Dr. Oschwald presents how to be a witness to joy even through suffering.
Living in the Promises and Places of God
Dr. Arand and Dr. Herrmann present man’s place in creation and how we are creatures of the creation that is ongoing.
Welcome and Remarks
Dr. Meyer gives an opening address covering the state of the seminary.
Christian Responses to the Culture’s Normalization of Homosexuality Panel Discussion
Dr. Weise host a panel that discusses the changes that may occur and what our Christian response should be.
Use of Scripture Concerning Homosexuality
Dr. Gagnon presents the biblical prohibitions in both the Old and New Testament of homosexuality.
Setting the Stage
Dr. Adams sets the backdrop of the symposium with a brief historical and theological discussion on homosexuality.