Advent 4 • Romans 16:25–27 • December 21, 2014
By Ben Haupt On the final Sunday of Advent, just a few days before the glorious celebration of Christmas, these three verses at the end of the…
Advent 3 • 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 • December 14, 2014
By Jeff Gibbs It would be tempting to regard this text, a series of short imperative clauses, as a random series of “inspired one-liners” that exhort…
Advent 2 • 2 Peter 3:8–14 • December 7, 2014
By Jeff Thormodson The seven verses just preceding our text describe a cultural milieu that seriously doubts the existence of God or a literal judgment day.…
Advent 1 • 1 Corinthians 1:3–9 • November 30, 2014
By David A. Johnson The church journeys into Advent, anticipating renewal in the vital proclamation of Jesus’s incarnation—embodied grace in the embryo of a woman’s womb. The…
Lessons and Carols
On the last day before Christmas break, campus chapel had a brief service of Lessons and Carols–a bit of proleptic Christmas joy in the midst…
Preaching the Voices (from the Edge)
Apparently, David Schmitt has been thinking about life on the edge.